Hospital Aid
We care for our members and definitely for their health as well.
We provide translation services to foreigners who need to go to the doctors and have difficulty intepreting.

In the Nihongo Gaikokujin Club, you can find a community that will support you and your mental health to the best of our abilities. We provide a listening ear to family relationship issues, work relationship issues etc.
If you need help, please contact us during the following hours:
1. English speaking - Monday 10:00 - 13:00
2. Chinese speaking - Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00
3. English and Chinese - Friday 10:00 - 13:00
Work/ Immigration Aid
Do not hesitate to ask us questions regarding work and immigration. We will do our best to aid you in having a smooth integration into the Japanese community.
We provide the following aids:
1. Job search
2. Looking for education for children
3. Renewal of passports

4. Textbooks
In order to learn Japanese, finding the right textbooks are important. We allow our members to gain access to these books to aid in their studying.